Monday, September 30, 2019

New Stage (a Haiku)

An end to the month
brings the promise of movement
along my life path.


Sunday, September 29, 2019


If only
I could share

My next piece
of good news

With you, all
the waiting


So I can
start the next

Chapter of
my story.

If only
I could tell

You, calling
one more time,

So I can
hear your voice.


Friday, September 27, 2019

Writing Habits

I look out the window
and imagine

A life filled with writing,
forming ideas

For days, my well

With characters,
plot points painted

Across the page with ease.
It currently

Ebbs and flows with my mood,
feelings taking

Control of my writing
habits, when I

Really need to take deep
breaths and believe.


Wednesday, September 25, 2019

'The Lost Girls of Paris': a Reaction Poem

Three women left
to fend for themselves,

Each creating her own
path toward freedom

In the backdrop
of World War II.

Three separate scenarios,
yet tied together

With a single goal:
carve a path

Through the journey, in
the face of fear.


Monday, September 23, 2019


It has been weeks
since I've last visited

My family
in Paterson, and

I'm curious as to
how my grandparents

Are doing, wondering
if my niece

Is having good
school experiences.

In a few days
I will find out

All the answers.


Friday, September 20, 2019

Busy Day

Another day passes
with no word,

Yet we still have
a fruitful day,

An outing filled with
books, travel, and

thoughts of school,

Friendships and
connections fill the

Endless hours,
stretching into

A weekend filled
with possibility.


Thursday, September 19, 2019

Wednesday, September 18, 2019


Waking to a good book
and caffiene

Is the ideal morning
for me,

Followed by creating
with yarn and words,

My work life
mingling with

Creativity, setting the
pace in my journey.


Monday, September 16, 2019

Day After Day

Day after day the thread
is woven with each

Cautious loop and chain,
my hands moving in a pace

To strengthen my wrist,
in order to craft once more,

Each morning the speed
slightly quickens, yet

The need to build my strength
tops quickness, so one day

I can crochet seamlessly
once more.


Sunday, September 15, 2019

Friday, September 13, 2019

Yarn Crafting

Yarn finds a way
to weave its tale

Back to life, threading
into familiar repetition,

My hands drawing
upon a power

Steadily rising with
each loop and chain.


Thursday, September 12, 2019


A mountain of books
create a messy spread

Throughout the room,
so the task to

Renovate is at hand,

precious words placed

In safe locations,
no longer in danger.


Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Eighteen Years Later

The images are seared
into our memories.

Two mighty towers
brought down by hate.

Thousands of souls

Never again reunited
with loved ones.

Eighteen years later,
we must never forget.


Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Monday, September 9, 2019


It's been months since
I've experienced

Life with my friends
in the big city;

No poetry or readings
of any kind,

Despite gatherings
with the locals.

I stay on the lookout
for special groups

In the coming


Saturday, September 7, 2019


A sliver of sunlight
through the blinds

Gently draws me
out of deep sleep.

It hearkens back
memories of dawn

In Washington Heights,
dawn's arrival so loud

I needed blackout
curtains to mute its rays.

It was a small price to pay
for the stunning scene

I laid eyes on each day;
a slice of city life

I still hold close
to my heart.


Friday, September 6, 2019

Thursday, September 5, 2019


We were two friends
at a birthday dinner,

Catching up with
the ups and downs of life.

While taking a walk,
a full moon hovered

In the clear autumn sky,
and we loved the breeze

Gently whistling through
the leaves.

We loved the pure
perfection of that evening,

A start of a reconnection
to last a lifetime.


Wednesday, September 4, 2019


Each week I reach out
and connect with them,

Clinging to any piece
of information,

Updates serving as
crucial lifelines,

Since any news
about my grandparents,

While sporadic, is
never enough.


Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Gradual (a Haiku)

Calm breezes and bright,
sunny skies set a backdrop
to Summer's demise.


Time Loop

Time flies by while
I sit at the window,

Replaying old encounters
in my head.

The regular world
continues to turn as

Old friends' disappointments
with missed meetups

Pick at my brain
in that monotonous

'Youshouldhavedone' tune,
in one endless loop.

People move on to
live, love and share,

While I am stuck,
immobile from regret.
