Tuesday, October 30, 2012


I dream of nothing else
than to spend my days

In your warm embrace
and comforting gaze,

Your guiding presence
drawing my soul out

Of a crushing void
of uncertainty,

Your gaze bringing me
toward serenity.


Monday, October 29, 2012


Come take my hand as
we walk away from hurtful
and harsh surroundings.



The full moon reveals
her power as swelling tides
take over our land.


Saturday, October 20, 2012

Sudden Turn

The path turns once more,
and I must ready myself
for the trials ahead. 


Friday, October 19, 2012

Moving On

Making the choice
to move on is

at times stressful,

At times painful,
yet change must take

Place in order
for your spirit

To be at peace.
Growth must occur

In order for
the empty space

In your heart to
become serene

Once more, leading
to completion.


Sunday, October 14, 2012

Twilight Sky

No matter where I
go on my journey, I stop
and sense your presence
in the twilight sky, moon beams
shining as warm as your soul.


What Remains

Our connections stay
the same despite the distance.
True friendship remains.


Monday, October 8, 2012


I may not know the
next direction to take, yet
I know the sacred
spirits are watching over
me. This I take comfort in.


Sweet Revelation

Gazing in my eyes,
you tell me you've wanted to
share something with me
for quite some time as we lean
forward, sharing a sweet kiss.


Saturday, October 6, 2012


When he said those words
my heart broke;

Years of trusting,
giving, sharing

Erased by a few
simple words.

The exchange was brief
but left a lasting

Scar on the soul,
its effect as stinging as

A slap in the face.
In that moment,

I knew I had to leave.


Still Searching

I search for the one
who will make all the pieces
fall in place; so far
I've found some unstable and
fragile, yet I keep searching.


Thursday, October 4, 2012


I look back and see
the wreck I've left behind,

The cracks I couldn't change,
the mess that stayed the same

During days, weeks, months
of wearing the blindfold,

Believing that if I ignored it,
it would go away.

I see the mess
I've left behind

And realize that
he couldn't change

No matter how much
I tried to believe.

Denial makes one
endure so much.

I turn to look and see
what lies ahead,

A blank slate waiting
to be painted with life.

Only I know the way.
