Tuesday, July 23, 2019


Although I am
now traveling

To peaceful locations,
I still suffer from

Treatment received
from past settings.

Time will teach me
heal at my own pace.


Saturday, July 20, 2019

Hottest Day: A Haiku

Night air still sticky,
relentless humidity
hanging in the sky.


A Moment

Days, weeks, months
of uncertainty

Came to a close

When your health grew worse
each passing day,

I knew I couldn't
waste another moment.

Some failed to understand,
but my choice was clear.

Family matters more
to me than anything.


Friday, July 12, 2019

Worth It

The drive took
over an hour,

yet we made it
in time to see you.

Although our time
was short,

It was worth seeing you
smile when your
coffee arrived;

It was worth seeing
you listen to stories
with interest.

My time away from you,
from my loved ones,

Draws to a close in
a matter of days.


Monday, July 8, 2019


Sometimes you know
when the moment is right
to walk away.

So much tension rises...
building, building,
until you can no longer breathe.

After three years,
it's time to be with those
that truly matter.


Sunday, July 7, 2019


I look at the pictures
of us when I was young,

Your smile so wide
as I sit next to you;

Photos of me tossing
balls in the basket

You fastened to the gate,
so we can pass the time

during hot summer days.

The years are filled with us
sharing, laughing,

Your grandchildren standing
proudly with you

At different stages of
our lives, these moments

stretching on forever.

We know your thread
will not last forever,

Yet we do all we can
to preserve it.


Saturday, July 6, 2019


Her words came through
out of the blue,

Short and bitter,
as if I was the one

That owed her a reason
for the absence.

I would have cared
in a previous life,

Yet I no longer saved
space in my soul for her.

Gone were the excuses
I made when she refused

My company month after month,
our friendship filled with false words.

Gone were the reasons made
when she chose other's time

Instead of mine. I made peace
knowing that our friendship

Will always be this way, and now
I move forward,

While she pretends that I
need to offer a truce.

Walking away is what
we need for our growth.


Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Monday, July 1, 2019


to have spent my
Sunday with close family
and friends, a wedding approaching
real soon.
