Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Journal Entry: Breaktime Musings

Afternoon during break, drinking coffee. Since I work with toddlers, this is the only time during my work day that I can truly relax. It helps that the staff lounge is next to a classroom playing naptime music, the calming aura helps. Perhaps it might make me sleep too, but that hasn't happened yet.

For now I'm just checking email and reading Facebook drama postings. How people are tired of reading about celebrity couples divorcing (I could care less about Brad and Angelina), and who's feuding in the goth/industrial music world (too many strong personalities clashing with each other). It's all entertainment to me.

During my breaks four years ago, I would Facebook group chat with 3 other people: two I reconnected with from college, and another whom I met at a birthday party. We kept in contact after the gathering, celebrating birthdays and holidays together. My hour would be filled with laughter and weird stories from these friends. This trio became a lifeline for me after a breakup and move to Manhattan. By reaching out to these friends during my breaks and other moments of free time, I learned to heal. I'm now deeply close with one of these friends, but I'll go into that later!

Break is almost done, now to quickly check email before I return to my little ones. Another lovely day, and taking them outside sounds so ideal.


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