Friday, August 23, 2019

Mother's Presence

After celebrations
fade away,

I think about
the blessings present

In my life, in the form
of messages and calls,

Taking the shape
of friends reaching out

Days after
the craziness is done.

I think of how
My mother would have

Been at peace to
see me happy,

How she is smiling
down on me,

Proud to see
her daughter feel such


Thursday, August 22, 2019

Thursday, August 15, 2019


I accomplished so much
these past few months,

Yet every now and then,
the challenges emerge.

I need to make sure
that I'm strong enough 

To ask for help when needed,
and believe in my strength.



I sift through
my memories of

My mom over the years,
caring for me

In different stages
of my life.

As I ready myself
for my wedding,

I feel her presence
more than ever,

Yet I still miss her
company immensely.


Tuesday, August 13, 2019


I reached
that moment when
I am close to being
rude if people keep ignoring
the rule.


Monday, August 12, 2019


'Yes is a world',
was my mentor's sign-off

At the bottom
of her e-mails for years.

I looked forward to reading
her wisdom on writing,

Poetry, brainstorming
month after month.

I never thought
that uncertain times

Would invade
my peaceful space.

I never thought that I
would spend months, years

Away from my
writing sanctuary.

Some day soon I hope
to share my stories

With her, with our poetry
circle once again.
