Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Don't Let Go

Don't ever let go of
the thread.

Even when life
takes away

What you held close
for so long,

You never let go 
of that thread.

Even when your trust
is betrayed,

When the ones you
believed in

Weaves a web 
of deceit,

You never let go
of that thread.

Hold on for dear life,
since this sacred thread

Which is now frayed
is a path to more

Intricate stories to come,
adding another layer

To your evolving
life journey.

You never let go
of that thread.

**Inspired by 'The Way It Is' by William Stafford**


Tuesday, August 6, 2013


I see promise
all around me,

Rising like a bud
breaking through dirt,

It grows slowly,
steadily, until

It shoots up
with firm quickness.

I see this as 
I prepare for

My next step,
and ready myself

For the growth
that is to come.


Monday, August 5, 2013


your life with mine
is such a joyous act.
Our lives blend in such harmony,
