Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sever the Thread

Everything has
a beginning, a middle,
and an end.

We spent years
weaving our bonds

Stitching many days
of laughter and tears
into one beautiful

I thought the thread
of our friendship
was infinite,

Yet I understand that
everything has
a beginning, a middle,
and an end.

Things happen for
a reason,

No matter how

Sewing the final
seams on our tapestry,

I am now ready
to cut the thread.


--Written back in December 2010, remembering a friendship that ended too abruptly. I moved on, which makes sharing this easier.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Layers of Serenity

Live in the layers,
not in the litter.

These layers unfold
like an open book,

Memorable events
and their guides

Dwelling within
each page.

There is much
to reveal

As we peel back
the layers;

The threat of doubt
littering our well-being,

Co-existing with
the need for serenity.


**Inspired by 'The Layers' by Stanley Kunitz

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tears in Bushwick

No one could stop
the flames,
smoke shooting
over rooftops

No one could help
the children,
helpless souls
banging on windows

As the toxic entity
tore through
their home.

No one could stop
the tragedy,
One careless spark
evolving into a


Monday, March 28, 2011

A Walk in Morningside Park

Lively signs of spring
dare to emerge
among cold surroundings;

Lovely shades of
yellow, lilac and white
blanketing vivid green

Robins dot the
open landscape,
making this renewed
space their home,

Little leaves budding
through bare branches.


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Another Day: Chant Poem

While days bring such uncertainty,
I wake to another day.

I step lightly yet with purpose.
I wake to another day.

Wavering on tasks bring lessons.
I wake to another day.

Interactions are hidden treasures.
I wake to another day.

I treasure loved ones lost and present.
I wake to another day.

I give thanks to her kind blessings.
I wake to another day.

Without her guidance, I would be lost.
I wake to another day.

With uncertainty comes purpose.
I wake to another day.


Sunday: a cinquain

Quiet, peaceful.
Dreaming, writing, creating.
New ideas take shape.


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Bridging Sapphire Skies

Today the golden sun
floats among the
Sapphire sky like
a shining star;

On this brisk March
afternoon, my soothing
Thoughts drift to a
troubled friend,

The warm, March skies
unable to
penetrate the frozen
enclosures of her mind,

The lively tropical
rhythms of the coqui
And parradas unable to
stifle pangs of sadness.

Although the ocean
separates us, my
Nurturing notes harmonize
with your urgent call,

The rhapsody of
our friendship
Crossing the distance,
creating a bridge

Which connects our
spirits on this
Bright spring day
over sapphire skies.


Friday, March 25, 2011

A Haibun: Weeks to Come

She goes about her usual routine (commuting, working with the little ones, strolling across the Columbia campus), wondering where her life path will turn in weeks to come. Working at her ideal job, she dreams that her temporary position will evolve into a more permanent placement in weeks to come. She takes in constructive comments and daily interactions with peers and students as valuable life lessons, holding these valuable pieces of knowledge close to her heart and soul. As she walks across the picturesque campus at day's end, she knows that the weeks to come will bring events both unexpected and unpredictable, much like the changing seasons, much like time itself.

The changing seasons
bring about rich life lessons
to her calm routine.


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Symbols of Spring

Bright green leaves
sprouting from
cold, icy soil,

Undeterred by
winter's refusal
to depart;

Plants and flowers
awaken despite
a prolonged frost,

Symbols of spring
anticipating the full
change of season.


Star in Heaven

You shine high
every night,
a glowing
like ivory
moonlight rays.

Your physical
presence ceased,
yet your spirit
shines on me

Steadfast guidance
as prominent as
a sun's golden rays,
as elegant as
silvery moonbeams.

You are gone
from this life,
yet your spirit
shines on,

A star in heaven
watching over me
in times of
sorrow and joy.
